
Commands & Concepts

  • Create lattice [1]
  • Initialize spin values
  • Select app style: potts (a model for grain growth)
  • Select solve style: tree (stores event probabilities in binary tree)
  • Set kT: temperature/energy relevant to potts model
  • Request output text/images for analysis
  • Choose diag style
    • energy (running energy tally for entire lattice)
    • cluster (very useful: compute cluster volumes, centroids)

spparks input file

  • Run spparks:

    # SPPARKS 'potts' model for modeling 'grain' growth;
    # Initialize microstructure with synthetic data
    # kT="0.5"
    # let Q=2048
    # mpiexec -np 8 spk_flame.gnu -var kT $kT -var Q $Q < synthetic.in
  • Download 'synthetic.in'

    # SPPARKS 'potts' model for modeling 'grain' growth; 
    # Initialize microstructure with synthetic data
    # kT="0.5"
    # let Q=2048
    # mpiexec -np 8 spk_flame.gnu -var kT $kT -var Q $Q < synthetic.in
    seed		 56689
    # Use 'Potts' app to simulate grain growth;
    # Site 'spins' can assume values of its nearest neighbors.
    app_style	 potts/neighonly ${Q}
    # 3d lattice; Each site has 26 neighbors
    dimension	 3
    lattice		 sc/26n 1.0
    # Define lattice extent called 'brick'; 
    region		 brick block 0 128 0 128 0 128
    # Define 'axis' aligned simulation domain on 'square'
    create_box       brick
    # Creates sites on lattice defined above; also creates neighborhood list for each site
    create_sites     box
    # Read synthetic data
    read_sites spparks.init.sites
    # Simulation temperature; Units of energy
    temperature	 ${kT}
    # KMC solver
    solve_style      tree
    # sectors are required to run 'tree' kmc in parallel
    sector yes
    # Diagnostic style energy computes the total energy for all sites
    diag_style       energy
    # Print diagnostic information to screen and log file every 50.0 seconds
    stats            50.0
    # Write snapshot of site values to 'synthetic.dump' every 50.0 seconds 
    dump  1 text  50.0 synthetic.dump
    dump synthetic_image image 50 synthetic.*.jpg site site crange 1 ${Q} drange 1 1 boundary site 1 shape cube box no 1 zoom 1.5 size 256 256
    dump_modify synthetic_image boundcolor black backcolor white pad 4 
    # Run for 800 steps
    run              800.00
  • LARGE FILE Hangs browser unless you right click to save; 'spparks.init.sites'

    # SNIPPETS of 'spparks.init.sites'; This line is ignored 
    1 166
    2 166
    3 33
    4 33
    5 33
    6 33
    7 33
    8 33
    19 106
    20 106
    21 106
    22 106
    23 106
    24 106
    25 106
    35 130
    36 130
    37 130
    38 130
    39 130
    40 130
    41 130
    42 130
    43 130
    2097139 66
    2097140 66
    2097141 66
    2097142 66
    2097143 66
    2097144 66
    2097145 66
    2097146 66
    2097147 166
    2097148 166
    2097149 166
    2097150 166
    2097151 166
    2097152 166

